Stop the Bleed
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Central
Event Type(s)
Member Event
Event Description

Big Texas CPR LLC provides Stop the Bleed Training for FREE!! 

A bleeding injury can happen anywhere. We've all seen it happen too often—on the news or in everyday life. Life-threatening bleeding can happen in people injured in serious accidents or disasters. Instead of being a witness, you can become an immediate responder because you know how to STOP THE BLEED®. 

Setting: In-Person
Bridgewood Farms
11680 Rose Road
Conroe, TX 77303

click here for Google Maps
Contact Person
(phone: 832-939-5419)

The person next to a bleeding victim may very well be the one who’s most likely to save him or her from bleeding to death. By learning how to STOP THE BLEED®, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and act quickly and effectively to control bleeding once you learn three quick techniques. Take the STOP THE BLEED® training course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency happens. 

 Our instructors will teach you live—in person, using training materials specially developed to teach bleeding control techniques. They will not only instruct you, they will be available to check your movements as you practice three different bleeding control actions. They will keep working with you until you demonstrate the correct skills to STOP THE BLEED® and save a life. 

Training is held in Conroe TX (on Rose road) Zip code 77303 at Bridgewood Farms

What stops bleeding? In a STOP THE BLEED® course, you’ll learn three quick techniques to help save a life before someone bleeds out: (1) How to use your hands to apply pressure to a wound; (2) How to pack a wound to control bleeding; (3) How to correctly apply a tourniquet. These three techniques will empower you to assist in an emergency and potentially save a life. 

This is a free class. We gladly accept donations to help cover the cost of  training material, allowing us to train as many students as possible... donations are optional and not expected... 

Our goal is to train the world on how to stop the bleed! 

Click here for the date / time best for you. 


Here are a few things to know about our live Stop the Bleed classes:



  • There are no age limit restrictions for taking a class. If the student can understand and retain the class material, perform the hands-on skills, they should be provided certification. 
  • All training supplies will be provided.
  • Every student will be provided their own booklet to use during class and keep afterwards. 
  • Plan for class to end at posted end time, but know that they usually end sooner 
  • Wear comfortable clothing.
  • Simulated blood will be used and it is easily washed off with soap and water. Don't wear your sunday best. 
  • Experience has taught us that students with long hair might want to put their hair in a ponytail.
  • Please dress appropriately as low-cut shirts could be revealing when bending over a manikin. 
  • Certification is usually issued, within a few hours, directly after class. 

Be ready to learn and have fun. See you in class!

Click on the icon next to the date(s) to add to your calendar: